How to Rank #1 on GOOGLE RANKING in 2024? (UPDATED)

How to Rank #1 on GOOGLE RANKING in 2024? (UPDATED)

February 14, 2023

Improving your Google ranking using SEO is indeed a tedious task. It also plays a part in improving the search traffic of your site. Google has released many algorithm updates in recent times. With the help of these updates, SEO experts from around the world were moved to modify their SEO tactics to regain their former search engine rankings.

We will help you keep up with the changing landscape of SEO. We have tried to focus on the most actionable SEO optimizationthat will help you improve your search rankings while boosting your traffic, and also enhancing the user experience on your website.

6 proven steps to Improve your Google Ranking

How to improve SEO ranking


Updating an older blog with new information and relaunching it helps increase organic traffic on your website. However, you must prioritize certain blogs over others based on their previous Google ranking. To find out which pages need an update on your site, we suggest you dig into your Google Analytics and identify the pages that are losing traffic and then choose which ones need to be updated and which ones you could delete. Deleting posts is a bit on the controversial side of the tip, but this trend of deleting older, irrelevant posts seems to be getting more popular and acceptable lately.


The goal behind every search query is to satisfy the search intent and this is also Google’s top-most priority. If you want your pages to rank higher, you need to understand the math behind this. You must make sure that your content matches the search intent.  Before creating content for your target keyword terms, it is very important for you to understand the search intent behind those keywords which would be used. After identifying the search intent, you must select the content type that best suits the search intent. Example- blog, product page, etc. 


Sometimes there may be similar content accessible through various websites. This happens especially in the case of E-commerce websites. With the help of a canonical tag, you will be able to ensure that it is alright for similar content to exist on multiple websites without affecting your search rankings

For example, you have an online furniture store and you sell coffee tables. It is possible that you may have multiple URLs on your website with information that could be similar to coffee tables. This is likely to cause duplicate content issues and which, in turn, will hurt your search rankings.


You may find many definitions of what long-form content actually means. There are some who say it refers to articles with 700 words or more, while others claim that long-form articles are longer and have over 2,000 words. However, the marketers have some consensus among them and they believe that long-form content refers to articles of around 2,000 words or longer. 

Research has revealed that short 300 to 500-word blog posts are as good as dead. They don’t work anymore. If you aim to rank higher in Google search results, you need to publish long-form content.


Ready to be hit with the harsh truth? Here it is. It does not really matter how well-researched or in-depth information your article carries. If your article does not succeed with a compelling and catchy headline, it is doomed and bound to be ignored by the audience you want to target. 

This is exactly why you must put effort into crafting headlines that can pull the audience’s attention toward the content. The headline needs to resonate with the audience. 


Meta descriptions are usually overlooked and not considered important because they do not have an impact on the search rankings directly. That might definitely be true, but meta descriptions tend to increase the click-through rate, which will significantly push your rankings up on the search engine. 

A good SEO practice is to write unique meta descriptions irrespective of whether you are writing for your posts, homepage, product pages, categories, or other such pages. 


To rank number one in Google in 2024, implementing schema code (structured data) is crucial. Schema markup provides search engines with additional context about your content, enhancing its relevance and visibility. By incorporating schema markup into your website, you can improve your chances of appearing in featured snippets, knowledge panels, and other rich search results. This not only boosts your click-through rates but also signals to Google that your content is authoritative and deserving of the top spot in search results. With schema markup, you can stay ahead of the competition and secure the coveted number one ranking in Google’s search results.


Before posting a link, it’s important to check if it’s a “dofollow” or “nofollow” link.

A “dofollow” link is a hyperlink that passes authority from one webpage to another, indicating to search engines that they should follow the link and consider it when calculating the target page’s ranking in search results. A “nofollow” link, on the other hand, instructs search engines not to follow the link or give any weight to it in terms of ranking. Nofollow links are commonly used for user-generated content, sponsored content, or in situations where a website owner does not want to endorse the linked page.

Understanding the type of link you’re posting is important for SEO purposes, as dofollow links can contribute to improving a website’s search engine rankings, while nofollow links do not have the same impact. To check if a link is dofollow or nofollow, you can inspect the HTML code of the webpage or use browser extensions or online tools designed for this purpose.


On-page Search Engine Optimization requires more work than optimizing your title tag and/ or meta description. You must make sure that your content matches the search intent of the target keywords. You also need to constantly monitor your page speed as well as UX signals to help your pages rank higher. 

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About Us 

Dzinepixel is India’s best digital marketing agency. We have a proven track record of optimizing client websites to rank at top of search engines. Our team of SEO experts will help you with each and every step. See your growth by just relaxing at your home. We will take the responsibility for you. For the best quotes visit our website today.